Merry Christmas!

Well it’s here, Christmas and I’m sending to you and all those you love ….. Merry Christmas!  I hope this day finds you in good spirits and good health, that you are surrounded by family and friends.  May your Christmas wishes be filled and you have happiness and love, laughter and good times that will be in your heart always.

I thought to keep this posting short and sweet and I am typing with a smile on my face.  At my parents home awaiting the arrival of 1 of my brothers flying in from Chicago, brother down in Florida has already called for a good chat and the 3rd brother will be here tomorrow with his family.

I’ve got 2 Songs For You Today, one a dedication off to my Mom ….. Hark The Herald Angels Sing by Carrie Underwood and the other is “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”

Hark The Hearald Angels Sing


Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve!

You know how it goes, I had the day planned out and was going to post for you 3 times today.  However, as always, life has other plans for us, I can say that everyone is ok and hopefully we’ll stay that way.

It’s a foggy, rainy Christmas Eve here and you know for sure that Rudolph is leading Santa’s Sleigh tonight.  I still love that movie, I did the best I could to watch all the Holiday Specials this year.  Some of these movies add a bit of melancholy to watch the ones we loved as children, like Rudolph and The Year Without A Santa Clause.

rudolphYear Without A Santa Claus

Some are just a riot and you can’t resist them, the one liners to repeat and laugh, like Elf and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.


Then there’s, It’s A Wonderful Life and Polar Express, yes I put them together because they carry such a wonderful message and find you at an Awe moment with a happy tear falling.


I sit here trying to think of what else to say and I’m at a loss, I think I’ll leave you for now with the following songs. I hope they bring you a smile and may Santa fly safely to your home.  Ho Ho Ho Happy Christmas Eve

Muppet Christmas Carol



santa sleigh


No Snowflakes For Suzie This Year

Here we are, it’s the night before the day before Christmas and I’m thinking of one of my favorite things ………. Snow ….. LOL

Sadly, it seems like it will be a foggy, misty, rainy, Christmas this year but I’m gonna give you 2 winter snowy songs Tonight !

One is a special favorite song of mine, “Snow” from the movie White Christmas.  Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen (Trudy Stevens did the singing for Vera) !

The other song, I can’t resist adding to the blog, “Suzy Snowflake” by Rosemary Clooney. I have a couple special friends from my Second Life that have recently started calling me this.  This dedication is sent with giggles and sweet snowy hugs to Radd, FreeSpirit and Toni !

Suzy Snowflake

Suzy Snowflake

Snow, Snow, SNOW !! Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen and Danny Kaye in "White Christmas"

Snow, Snow, SNOW !!
Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Vera-Ellen and Danny Kaye in “White Christmas”

Christmas Time Is Here

Since I’ve been in the mood to give you a Christmas song each day, how could I forget a song from “my kids!”  Yes, it’s ‘true’ I have 3 sons ……. Alvin, Simon and Theodore and boy do they love to sing!

As we’re one day closer to Santa’s visit, here’s a special treat …. The Chipmunks singing their favorite song!

The Chipmunks singing Christmas Don't Be Late!

The Chipmunks singing Christmas Don’t Be Late!